Track Your Order

How to check your order status after placing an order successfully?


  1. You will receive an automated email from the system of SexDollPatner that includes order information after placing an order successfully. And the system will automatically send another email with the tracking number, once our colleague enters the logistics tracking number in the website system.


  1. Shopify buyers can check the order status on the Shop App. If you placed the order while logged in to the Shop app, you can find the order information on the APP. However, If the customer placed the order in visitor mode, the order information will not be available.


  1. If you placed an order after registering and logging into the account on our website, you can check the order information on the account when you log in. If you placed an order as a visitor(without registering an account), you can create an account on our website, and the system will automatically match your email and synchronize the order information to your account.


  1. You can input your email and postal code in our online chat to inquire about the order status


  1. You can also input your tracking number here to check your order status.